Gonzalo Portillo Bautista

Dedication to customer service requires continuous learning, maximum transparency and high specialization in the subjects to be developed. Our work philosophy is based on these premises and on the consideration that all matters entrusted by our clients are important, regardless of their amount and nature.

Professional experience

Garrigues Abogados y Asesores Tributarios (2006-2012)
Martínez-Echevarría Abogados (2012-2021)

Academic training

Graduate in Law from the University of Granada (2000-2005)
Master’s Degree in Business Law from Centro de Estudios Garrigues (2005-2006)


Teacher of Master Executive of Centro de Estudios Garrigues (2011-2012)

Courses and conferences

Speaker at the conference organised by the Science and Technology Park of Almeria entitled “Anti-competitive practices in the agricultural sector and forms of corporate optimisation of agricultural companies”. (March 2018).

Speaker at the conference organised by the Asociación de Empresarios de la Costa Tropical de Granada entitled “Criminal liability of legal persons: cooperatives, trading companies, meat processing companies and other companies” (March 2015).

Speaker at the conference organised by the Granada Chamber of Commerce entitled “Corporate restructuring and family business. Tax approach” (October 2013).

Speaker at the conference organised by the Granada Association of Young Entrepreneurs entitled “Business conflict resolution” (September 2013).

Professional Associations

Member of the Vigo Bar Association, member number 2588.


Spanish and English



Calle Trajano nº 1, 4ºF, 18002 (Granada)
677 679 588

Or if you prefer, you can contact us using the following form.